Our RSS School Mihi
pepeha is a way to introduce yourself in Maori, to describe whakapapa
(geneology) links to a tribe / area. The RSS mihi is an introduction in
Maori that tells the story of how we belong to our community and our
Ko Ruahine me Tararua nga maunga (Ruahine and Tararua are the mountains)
Ko Manawatu te awa (Manawatu is the river)
Ko Rangitane te iwi (Rangitane is the iwi)
Ko Russell Street te kura (Russell Street is the school)
Ko James Cornelius raua ko Nicole Woollett oku matua (My parents are are James Cornelius and Nicole Woollett)
Ko Adam Cornelius au.
Tena koutou katoa - (Greetings to you all)