In Nic's maths group we have been learning about Compacity. first we measure a class filled with water
then put it in to a measure cup and found out how mean l or ml. then after the class were dry we lit a candle and put the cup over top of it and we also set a timer.
book review
title robert the rat
Author norman bilbrough
what the story is about
it is about a rat that goes treasure hunting with his grandfather.
so if you won't to know if they find the treasure read this book
my athlectics
my athletics is to get into the top 5 in running
two stars and a wish

this trem I have been doing inquiry with elly. in our inquiry group we have been doing art I. think have improved in art and stiching because i did not know how to stitch
WALT: gather information
Description: Elly (Art)- Every Wednesday we have been learning about the inquiry process while finding out about art from around the world. The first stage of an inquiry is to gather information - ‘Get It’. First we chose a culture we wanted to find out more about and then started researching.
1. What are you most proud of? getting all of the things i need
2. What did you find challenging? to do my art right away
3. My next ‘Get It’ goal is? to get more things
Scratch Jr
WALT: Use Code
Description: We have been learning how to use the iPad app called Scratch Jr during Buddy Time. It is an introductory app for using and writing code, which is a computer language that gives instructions to everything we see and do on any device.
Task: Create a short clip using Scratch Jr to share the learning that has been happening in our classes.
Your presentation must have:
- Character movement
- Audio recordings
- Sharing of learning from both classmates
- Creativity
- Collaboration
Reflect on your presentation.
-What was the best thing about your presentation? doing it with my buddy
-What was the most challenging thing for you? doing the recording
-What project would you like to do next in Scratch Jr? i would like to do basketball
Feedback i think that adam did a good job with your post
Feedforward: i think that adam needs to add detail
Feedforward: i think that adam needs to add detail
WALT: how to extend a repeating picture pattern and use number strategies to think ahead
Description: For maths this term we have been learning a range of strategies to help us solve algebra problems.
Task: Make a short movie to prove that you have achieved your maths goal.
- Show, explain, prove your goal and how you did it
- Clear message
- Two questions to show your learning
- Correct answer
- What are you most proud of and why?
learning algebra and proving it to you
- What challenged you the most and why?
learning algebra and proving it to you
- Next time, what is a goal you can work towards?
to get to the next goal
Feedback it is good you can tall as how you did it.
Feedforward:you can make it clear to read
la tomatian
WALT: respond.
Description: This term we have been responding to a range of articles/stories and we realised that the way we were responding was difficult for anyone else to understand. We have been practising writing our responses in full sentences so that anyone who reads them understands us.
1. What festival is held in Spain every August
the la tomatina festival is held in spain on the last wensday on august.
2. What do people do during the festival
at the la tomatina festival they throw tomatoes at each other.
3. How many tomatoes are used in the most epic food fight ever. they use around about 5000 tomatoes in the most epic food fight ever.
4. When and why did the festival start.the festival start at 1944 ad it as been the most epic food fight since 1944 to 2014 this year.
5. Would you like to visit Bunol, Spain on the last Wednesday of August next year Why or why not? Because I love food fights and i also love getting mess and love tomatoes.
- I can answer questions using full sentences (I steal part of the question to put in my answer.)
- What are you most proud of and why? of answering all of the question in full sentences.
- What challenged you the most and why? putting them into full sentences.
Feedback I like that you have done them in full sentences.
kiwi kids news
In Elly's reading we have been going on kiwi kids news and looking at news story's. so here is the story and my work.
NZRFU to stop fireworks at games
The New Zealand Rugby Union has announced that it is suspending all fireworks at their games.
The new rule comes after on-field fireworks at the Bledisloe Cup injured three people.
The three were struck by debris when the fireworks ignited following the All Black haka.
NZRU chief executive Steve Tew said fireworks displays are off until the cause is known.
He said it would be foolish to put anything on unless spectator safety can be completely guaranteed.
The company involved, Van Tiel Pyrotechnics, said it has been setting up displays for the All Blacks for more than 10 years without any incident.
recall question
2. What was the key event from the news article the 3 people that got badly injured by the big fire
- Where did this event take place in auckland at the westpack stadium
- 4. When did this event take place on August 26, 2014 at the game all blacks vs the wallabies
thinking question
3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place. it took place in auckland and auckland is a very big town and it is home to te papa
4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future. next year and it might be on the 26th of August
5. Explain in your own words why this event took place. because to see how would win the cup
learning pit
WALA: The Learning Pit
Description: We have been learning about when good learning happens.
Task: Share what you know about the learning pit.
- Draw the Learning Pit.
- List at least 3 strategies that you could use to get out of the pit.
Reflect on a time when you have been in the pit.
- How did you feel when you were in the pit? nervosa because i want to get all of my work done.
mad because i am trying to get all of my work done in time.
What did you do to work out of the pit? to take little steps because you can start easy and work our way up to hard.
Feedback/Feedforward: I like the way you had great detail
next time work on the qualaty of your photo
next time work on the qualaty of your photo
homework story's
WALT: Entertain
Description: We read the poem “My Remarkable Journey” which inspired us to write our own remarkable journeys about why our homework wasn’t at school today.
{here is my story}
I work up i got out of bed draged my feet on the ground I remebered that it is homework day, I HATE homework day but if i come up with a idea to say i forgot my homework I could get out of doing my homework ever again. I had the most awesome idea that bubble bee stole my homework because he thought it was the matrix of leader ship so he could bring optmas prime back to live so they could beat meagtron and starsream but when he put it in optmas he did’t come back to live. But then he saw some writing that told him were the real matrix of leader ship. So I went with him bubble bee to steal my home work back but. there was one problem he could shot me when i run away with my homework. so i thought if i stay with him he would’t shot me and i could see were the real matrix of leader ship was it was deap down in the derst. i siad bubble bee i see some thing glowing so we run over there. we found it now we can bring optmas back to live we run as fast as we could to optmas we found optmas bubble bee but it in optmas he got up he said to me how are you i said alex he said thank you for helping bubble bee bring my back to live so he toke me home and i run of to school with out my homework because it fellow out of my hands.
We decided that a quality piece of writing has the following things.
Reflect on whether these things are in your story:
Introduction: It hooks the reader in the first few lines making them want to read more
Punctuation: Is your writing ready for a reader? Does your punctuation make
it easy for them to read?
Short sentences: Do you create suspense by using these in your writing?
Onomatopoeia: Are these in your writing to create impact?
Similes/Metaphors: Are these in your writing to create impact?
1. What do you think is the best part of your story?when bubble bee stole my homework
2. What was the hardest part about completing this portfolio sample? there is no hard parts to this sample
3. Next time, what is a goal you can work towards?to get more green on the
i think you u did very good with your post and your story
but you need to add more detail
feedback and feedforward by kadince
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