
two stars and a wish


this trem I have been doing inquiry with elly. in our inquiry group we have been doing art I. think have improved in art and stiching because i did not know how to stitch 

this term we have been doing algebra I think I have inproved in algebra because I did not know much about algebra  and I got lots of prove its done

I wish that I could do some more algebra next trem because I wont to get better at algebra. so i can teach other people 



WALT:  gather information

Description: Elly (Art)- Every Wednesday we have been learning about the inquiry process while finding out about art from around the world. The first stage of an inquiry is to gather information - ‘Get It’. First we chose a culture we wanted to find out more about and then started researching.

1. What are you most proud of? getting all of the things i need

2. What did you find challenging? to do my art right away

3.  My next ‘Get It’ goal is? to get more things


Scratch Jr

WALT: Use Code

Description: We have been learning how to use the iPad app called Scratch Jr during Buddy Time. It is an introductory app for using and writing code, which is a computer language that gives instructions to everything we see and do on any device.

Task: Create a short clip using Scratch Jr to share the learning that has been happening in our classes.

Your presentation must have:
  • Character movement
  • Audio recordings
  • Sharing of learning from both classmates
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration

Reflect on your presentation.
-What was the best thing about your presentation? doing it with my buddy
-What was the most challenging thing for you? doing the recording
-What project would you like to do next in Scratch Jr? i would like to do basketball

Feedback i think that adam did a good job with your post
Feedforward: i think that adam needs to add detail



WALT: how to extend a repeating picture pattern and use number strategies to think ahead

Description: For maths this term we have been learning a range of strategies to help us solve algebra problems.

Task:  Make a short movie to prove that you have achieved your maths goal.


  • Show, explain, prove your goal and how you did it
  • Clear message
  • Two questions to show your learning
  • Correct answer

  1. What are you most proud of and why? 
    learning algebra and proving it to you

  1. What challenged you the most and why? 
    learning algebra and proving it to you

  1. Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? 
    to get to the next goal

Feedback it is good you can tall as how you did it.

Feedforward:you can make it clear to read


la tomatian

WALT:  respond.

Description:  This term we have been responding to a range of articles/stories and we realised that the way we were responding was difficult for anyone else to understand.  We have been practising writing our responses in full sentences so that anyone who reads them understands us.

Task:  Read the article “La Tomatina” and answer the questions below.

1.  What festival is held in Spain every August
the la tomatina festival is held in spain on the last wensday on august.

2.  What do people do during the festival
at the la tomatina festival they throw tomatoes at each other. 

3.  How many tomatoes are used in the most epic food fight ever. they use around about 5000 tomatoes in the most epic food fight ever.

4.  When and why did the festival start.the festival start at 1944 ad it as been the most epic food fight since 1944 to 2014 this year.

5.  Would you like to visit Bunol, Spain on the last Wednesday of August next year  Why or why not? Because I love food fights and i also love getting mess and love  tomatoes.

  • I can answer questions using full sentences (I steal part of the question to put in my answer.)

    • What are you most proud of and why? of answering all of the question in full sentences.

    • What challenged you the most and why? putting them into full sentences.

Feedback I like that you have done them in full sentences.