

W.A.L.T write and in form 
Task write and present an interesing graduation speech about our learning journey using an analogy to compare learing to something meaningful to me 


Reading comprehension

W.A.L.T reflect and evaluate honestly 
I think that I need to work on pavlova queen 
I think in good at day in spring 


Reading vocabulary

W.A.L.T reflect and evaluate honestly 

I need to work on taking my time at this one 
I think I am good at think about one question if I don't known it i go on the next question 

Maths pat

W.A.L.T  Reflect and evaluate 

I think I could work on number strategies 
I think that I am good at number knowledge 

Character writing

W.A.L.T describe 

Use vocabulary (words) that help to clearly describe
Verbs to give action - brings our character to life
Adverbs describe my verbs
I have used adjectives to help describe my character
My writing is organised into paragraphs (ideas in each paragraph is connected)
I have used the thesaurus to extend my own vocabulary
The reader can understand and FEEL how special this character is to us 
I have SHOWN the reader what my character is like as a person

I have made sure my sentences make sense