
Maths Sample

WALT use our five timetables to work out our 6,7,8,9,10 timetables

for the last two weeks we have been working out our 6,7,8,9,10 by using our 5 timetables.so we can get faster and better and our 6,8,9,10 by using our 5 timetables. the first step is replace 8 with the 5 so step 2 is you add the 8 back to the and it =48

self comment I think i did a good job with my maths sample. next time when i do this i will tell you more about what we are doing i our maths group.

Buddy Comment Jacob's thinks he think i did a good job with the the maths question and how it was setting it out


  1. Hi Adam. Again you need to take a better photo or use black vivid to make your cartoon clearer. You need to fix up some spelling errors. Capital I please for i.

    Your 'self comment' needs to look like this -

    Your "Buddy Comment" needs to look like this -
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  2. Please re read this post OUT LOUD. Does it make sense?
