
Reading Sample

WALT: rote learn
Purpose: We are making mnemonics to help us learn our spelling words.

Process:  We made sentences out of our spelling words to help us remember how to spell each word.  We want to get 10/10.  If we make them funny it helps us to remember them.

Learning:  We learnt what mnemonics are and how they can help us.  

Evaluation: i think i did a great job on the mnemonics. but  i found it really hared because i had a really hard word it was aeroplane 

Feedback/Feedforward: well done you did a great  job with your mnemonics and take a photo with a ipad 


  1. Hi Adam. You need a better photo. Or you need to make a better poster so that the audience can read your mnemonic.

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  2. Thanks Adam for making this into a poster. You have done well with your mnemonics. I wonder if they will help you how to remember your spelling words.
